Nailsworth Film Club
Nailsworth Film Club was set up in 2003 by a group of enthusiasts
with the aim of showing high-quality films to the people of Nailsworth
and surrounding villages in a convenient local setting. NFC is a not-
for-profit community group and has no funding sources other than
members' subscriptions. Thanks to existing and new members
for your continued support.
Membership for 2024-25 (over 18's only please) entitles you to a free
seat at every performance and to free use of our DVD loan service
from the Film Club collection. Guests are welcome at £7 per film.
Membership forms can be downloaded from our website (see below)
or obtained from Nailsworth Town Information Centre (TIC).
Venue & Times
Films are shown on Friday evenings in the Arkell Centre, Forest Green,
Nailsworth, GL6 OET. There is ample parking in the school car park
or on-street parking nearby but please do not park in Beechwood Close.
Doors and bar open at 7.00pm and films start at 7.30pm. Seats are not
numbered so it is advisable to arrive early to guarantee your place.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Next Film - 4th April